Hi everyone. Welcome to my attempt at blogging. For the next 30-40 days I hope to keep you all up to speed on my last few days in London and my March African Adventure. For now I'll keep this short. I've got about 10 days to pack up my London flat, say goodbye to friends, and get ready for Africa. On the 28th of February I will board a British Airlines flight from Heathrow to Cape Town, South Africa where the adventure begins. Those of you who know me well, will realize that these last few days in London will be filled with insane overscheduling and a mad scramble next week to take care of things I should have done months ago. Yes, I may have been away for awhile but I'm still the same old Eddie. Okay, that's it for today. Oh the picture to the right is from saturday night. My mom and dad are here visiting and my mom cooked up a Sri Lankan feast. Leanne and Michael, two Aussie friends loved the food so much they plan on visiting Mom in CA! Keep your eyes peeled here for the Zany Antics of Eddie's African Adventure. Reality TV rights still available. Copyright 2007, all rights reserved, names have been changed to protect the guilty, any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental.