It's been awhile since I've updated my personal blog -- guess I was waiting for inspiration and today I got it. In this summer of IronMan, Hancock, et al, I would like to introduce you to some real superheroes. Many of you know that last summer I did a triathlon in honor of Kiki Castro, a 12-year-old Leukemia patient at Childrens' Hospital in Seattle. Kiki seemingly kicked the disease to the curb last year as the cancer appeared in full remission. But in April of this year, routine tests showed the cancer had returned and a marrow transplant was the only option. Kiki is currently at Duke Hospital recovering from the transplant. The donor? Her younger brother, Llewellin, also pictured here. A week after the transplant, she is dealing with something called mucositis which is extremely painful, causes nausea, and makes sleep difficult to come by. Please read the daily journal by Kiki and her mom at the following site:
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/kiki_gurl. It will break your heart. But if you are going through some tough times it will remind you how lucky we all are. And it will make you believe in superheroes. Real ones!